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It's great that you want to register with us!

For our registration request you need the following in digital form:

  • Your proof of business
  • Photos of the interior and exterior of your shop or retail space (if you have one).

Once you have these documents ready, you're ready to go!

Do you have an existing business?

heo's offer is aimed exclusively at B2B customers.  

If you would still like to get to know heo a little better, click on the button below. Otherwise, simply close this window.

Thank you for your interest in working with us. 

We will be happy to support you and your company in the future! Our offer is exclusively aimed at interested parties who already have an existing business.

As soon as your company is officially registered and you want to get started, we look forward to receiving your registration request. 

See you soon!

Super! Your trade is an important prerequisite for successful registration.

  • A good, long-term business relationship is very important to us!
  • In order to get off to a good start in a cooperation, we always check customer requests in detail.
  • We also look at whether the distribution channels, the existing product range and our business models fit together.

Your strong ally in the pop culture universe! 

With heo, you gain a partner at your side who cares passionately and in partnership about your concerns and your success.

For us, a customer account is not just a number. We always see the people and everything that is necessary to be more successful together tomorrow.

Please specify an answer

My name is Teresa and I work as Teamleader Key Brands Team at heo.

From here on I will guide you through your request.

What's your name? *

First name
Please specify an answer
Last name
Please specify an answer

Hi @vorname, nice to meet you!

Let's start with some general information about you and your company.

Please make sure to provide as much information as possible so that we can get a good overview afterwards.

1 / @Fragenanzahl

What name is your company officially registered under?  

Please tell me your registered company name, or (if not registered) the brand name you operate under. *

Official name
Please specify an answer

2 / @Fragenanzahl

In which country is the "@Unternehmensname" officially registered? *

@vorname unfortunately we can't supply you yet! 

For this reason, registration is not possible. 

If you wish, you can leave your country and email address and we will contact you if this changes.

E-mail address
Please specify an answer

3 / @Fragenanzahl

If your company is VAT registered in @land, please give me the registration number below:

VAT number
Please specify an answer

4 / @Fragenanzahl

What position do you have at the "@Unternehmensname"?

Please specify an answer

5 / @Fragenanzahl

5b / @Fragenanzahl

Please upload at least one photo of the exterior and one photo of the interior of your store:

Place your files here or click to select
Accepted: png, jpeg, pdf

Please make sure that your assortment as well as your sales area are well visible in the pictures.

If you don't have photos available, please share your Google link to the "@Unternehmensname" with me:

Google Link
Bitte gib eine Antwort an

5b / @Fragenanzahl

Please upload at least one photo of the exterior and one photo of the interior of your store:

Place your files here or click to select
Accepted: png, jpeg, pdf

Please make sure that your assortment as well as your sales area are well recognizable on the pictures

If you don't have photos available, please share your Google link to the "@companyname" with me:

Google Link
Bitte gib eine Antwort an

5b / @Fragenanzahl

Please upload at least one photo of your sales area (e.g. your booth):

Place your files here or click to select
Accepted: png, jpeg, pdf

Please make sure that your assortment as well as your sales area are well recognizable on the pictures

6 / @Fragenanzahl

You have selected @Unternehmensart type. Under which URL can I reach your store? *

Shop URL
Please specify an answer

7 / @Fragenanzahl

8 / @Fragenanzahl

How many employees does the "@Unternehmensname" have?

9 / @Fragenanzahl

Are you our main point of contact? *

No (please specify)
Please specify an answer

10 / @Fragenanzahl

Please tell me your email that you would like to use with us in the future: *

E-mail address
Please specify an answer

11 / @Fragenanzahl

How can we reach you? *

Main phone number
Please specify an answer
Additional phone number
Please specify an answer

12 / @Fragenanzahl

Which product groups do you already carry in your range or would you like to include?

Other (please specify)
Bitte gib eine Antwort an
Other (please specify)
Bitte gib eine Antwort an

13 / @Fragenanzahl

Which social media channels do you use to keep your customers up to date?

Please tell us the corresponding URLs:

Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

14 / @Fragenanzahl

Which of our product categories may we inform you about via newsletter in the future?

We're checking your details.

Many thanks @vorname

You have successfully completed the first part of the registration request.

The second part is about information that guarantees a smooth start with you and heo.

15 / @Fragenanzahl

What is the billing address of the "@Unternehmensname" *

Please specify an answer
House name/number
Please specify an answer
Address line 2
Please specify an answer
Postal code
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

16 / @Fragenanzahl

Now we continue with your desired delivery address. Is this the same as your billing address?

16b / @Fragenanzahl

Ok @vorname, please tell me the shipping address: *

Company name
Please specify an answer
If different
Please specify an answer
If different
Phone number
Please specify an answer
If different
Please specify an answer
House name/number
Please specify an answer
Address line 2
Please specify an answer
Postal code
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

17 / @Fragenanzahl

As a new customer, you start with us with the payment condition prepayment.

Which payment method do you prefer to start with? *

18 / @Fragenanzahl

Almost there, @vorname!

Finally, if you have available, please upload any trade licence you can provide. This could be your Certificate of Incorporation, Sole Trader status, etc *

Place your files here or click to select
Accepted: png, jpeg, pdf, zip, doc

19 / @Fragenanzahl

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself or the "@Unternehmensname"?

Please specify an answer

Complete your customer request

We take the handling of your personal data very seriously. Please read our Terms & Conditions, Copyright & Limitation of Liability and Privacy Policy carefully and confirm that you accept them: *

We're checking your details ...

@vorname, you made it 🥳

Thank you for your registration request with heo.  

Our team will now review it, which may take a few days, and we will get back to you directly if we have any questions.

Please note that this does not mean that you have been accepted or that your account has been created. We will contact you by e-mail in any case.

See you soon!


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